The Continuing Growth of SBYC
In 1989, as we celebrated our 50th anniversary we marveled at how far we had come in such a short period of time, and I think that many of us thought that we had reached if not a peak at least a plateau in the club’s growth.
Boy, were we wrong!
In the ensuing 25 years the club has continued to grow and evolve.
- The 49 slip basin has seen the addition of 20 Jet Ski docks.
- The floating docks have been stabilized with pilings and a small T (L?) was added to the downstream dock.
- A pump out facility has been added.
- A mast hoist system was added.
- The front of the club has been extensively changed with sliding doors added for more ventilation and a new porch and patio added.
- The club has been clad in vinyl siding.
- The kitchen has been upgraded with new cabinets and every appliance has been replaced with more modern and energy efficient units.
- The foyer was remodeled.
- A walk in cooler now guarantees that no matter the size of the party cold beer will be available.
- Club lighting was installed in the outer parking lot.
- The yardarm was replaced on the flag pole.
- Canvas was added to the gazebo for protection from wind and rain.
- The gazebo floor was replaced with brick.
- A new water line was installed from the clubhouse to the South side of East River road.
- A garage has been added to store all of our tools.
- The ladies room has been extensively remodeled and a private shower area added.
- The men’s room has been remodeled.
- The basement landing at the foot of the stairs has been upgraded with new walls, ceiling and flooring.
- The bar area has been completely remodeled with every piece of structure within 2 feet of the concrete pad that it is built on being replaced or repaired, a new back bar cooler, new cabinetry, new sinks and improved trim were added in the process.
- An emergency exit has been reestablished in the basement.
- The breakwall was rebuilt.
- The clubhouse was air conditioned.
- The wooden retaining wall near the driveway was upgraded with a concrete wall.
- The sliding door closest to the bar was replaced with a large single window.
- The sliding windows behind the bar were replaced with a very large single window.
- The outer parking lot was paved and lighted.
- A new sign was installed on East River Rd.
- Dock signage has been upgraded.
- A no-wake zone has been formalized off the main dock.
- Wi-Fi was added to the clubhouse and docks.
- Sandy Beach joined the world wide web
And on the schedule:
- Replace the double doors at the front of the club. (Should be finished this winter)
- Waterproof the basement near the men’s room.
- Stop water incursion behind the breakwall.
And we repaired a leaking roof last summer.
An amazing list of 35 items (plus some that I missed), several of which took more than one year to accomplish, all completed in the last 25 years. What’s next … ?
To learn more about where we came from, how we got here and who led us follow the Menu items above.